Teen Ambassador Program
An in-depth learning opportunity for students entering grades 10 through 12.
Offering a behind-the-scenes look into the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, ambassadors examine artifacts from the Museum and explore ongoing themes and issues raised by 9/11. With this foundation, ambassadors craft artifact talks and learn how to present them effectively to a variety of audiences.
The Ambassador Program is temporarily paused. Please check back for updates or email ambassadors@911memorial.org.
Weekly Sessions
- Sessions include presentations by guest speakers, artifact investigations, group discussions, introduction to museum-education techniques, and honing public speaking skills
- Topics include what happened on 9/11, the repercussions of the attacks, the design of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, and the rebuilding of the World Trade Center
- Program requirements include participating in all weekly sessions and completing all homework assignments
Part 1: Student Reflects on 9/11 Museum Ambassador Program

A little girl is frightened. It’s her first day of preschool. Her lunchbox is packed and resting on the dinner table, but her parents' eyes are glued to the television. Their faces are stone—eyes sharp, voices hushed. She asks them to turn off the news and they comply, not wanting to scare her. This is the only memory I have from 9/11.
Part 2: Student Reflects on 9/11 Museum Ambassador Program

A pair of ash-covered shoes with torn soles; a beat-up leather wallet; a charred golden ring. These images are seared in my mind.