Orlando Survivor Tree Seedling Planted at Local Botanical Garden
Orlando Survivor Tree Seedling Planted at Local Botanical Garden

As Orlando continues its healing journey after a nightclub shooting that killed 49 people and injured more than 50 others, city officials planted a Survivor Tree seedling in the hope that the tree will “grow into a symbol of our community's resiliency.”
Planting the seedling at the Harry P. Leu Gardens, Orlando became the latest city to take part in the Survivor Tree Seedling Program, which provides seedlings to communities that have endured tragedy. San Bernardino, Calif., Orlando and France were selected as recipients in 2016.
Four short days after the Orlando nightclub shooting in June 2016, the 9/11 Memorial Museum paid tribute at the Survivor Tree. Hundreds of people gathered to commemorate the lives of the victims killed in the deadliest terror attack in the United States since Sept. 11.
The Survivor Tree has become a symbol of the nation’s spirit of hope and healing as well as strength and resilience in the wake of the 2001 attacks. The tree got its name after it was nursed back to health when it was pulled from World Trade Center rubble. It was later replanted at the 9/11 Memorial.
Three additional communities will be selected in September 2017 to receive seedlings, committing to nurture these trees to serve as landmarks symbolizing resiliency and hope.
Learn more about the Survivor Tree and the seedling program here and watch below for a video of the seedling as it’s planted in Orlando.
By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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