Marking the Fourth Anniversary of the 9/11 Memorial Museum
On May 15, 2014, President Barack Obama, New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, family members of 9/11 victims and honored guests gathered in Foundation Hall to mark the dedication of the 9/11 Memorial Museum.
“Those we lost live on in us. In the families who love them still. In the friends who remember them always. And in a nation, that will honor them, now and forever,” said President Obama in his address to the 9/11 community in attendance.
Since opening in 2014, the Museum has welcomed more than 11.8 million visitors from all 50 states and 179 countries. U.S. and foreign dignitaries have also paid tribute to 9/11 victims at the Memorial and Museum, including President Barack Obama, Pope Francis, former President George W. Bush, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, several Medal of Honor recipients and many others.
By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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Remembering the Hanson Family Garden

For Peter and Sue Hanson, giving their two-year-old daughter Christine an idyllic, rural upbringing was a priority.
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Class of Museum Ambassadors Graduates at the 9/11 Memorial Museum

A special graduation ceremony was held at the 9/11 Memorial Museum Tuesday evening for high school students honored as the fifth class to have completed the museum ambassador program.