The Lens: Viewing the 9/11 Memorial
The Lens: Viewing the 9/11 Memorial

Staff photographer Amy Dreher snaps a lot of pictures at the World Trade Center site, documenting the construction progress of the 9/11 Memorial. Amy also trains her lens on the smaller pieces that may be overlooked with a project of this magnitude. Through “The Lens: Viewing the 9/11 Memorial,” readers of The MEMO blog can share some of the unique vantage points captured by Amy.
The view: Construction progress continues on the 9/11 Memorial, opening in less than three months.
By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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September 11 National Medal is Unveiled

Rep. Jerrold Nadler, U.S. Treasurer Rosa Rios and 9/11 Memorial President Joe Daniels today unveiled the 2011 September 11 National Medal issued by the U. S. Mint to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. U.
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Rainbow Arches over 9/11 Memorial
The 9/11 Memorial today launched its online reservation system. After 10 years, the general public will be able to return to the World Trade Center site with a free visitors pass to the Memorial obtained through the reservation system. On Sept. 12, t