The Lens: Viewing the 9/11 Memorial
The Lens: Viewing the 9/11 Memorial

Staff photographer Amy Dreher snaps a lot of pictures at the World Trade Center site, documenting the construction progress. Amy also trains her lens on the smaller pieces that may be overlooked with a project of this magnitude. Through “The Lens: Viewing the 9/11 Memorial,” readers of The MEMO blog can share some of the unique vantage points captured by Amy.
Never too young: A group called the "Downtown Kids Rebuild" proved you're never too young to make a difference. These youngsters raised $560.50 from sales of lemonade and cookies that was donated to the 9/11 Memorial.
By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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Memory Remains: Exhibit Explores 9/11 Artifacts of Hangar 17
"Memory Remains: 9/11 Artifacts at Hangar 17," the large-scale projection installation by Francesc Torres, has opened in Madrid at CentroCentro, a new cultural center in the heart of the city. The opening on Thursday marks the fourth for the Torres
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New York Philharmonic Presents 9/11-inspired 'One Sweet Morning'

The New York Philharmonic tomorrow is presenting the world premier of John Corigliano’s “One Sweet Morning.” The performance is also scheduled for Saturday and Tuesday. The composition was written as a reflection of the decade since the Sept. 11 attacks.&