Explore the 9/11 Museum’s Online Collection Database

Inside the Collection is an online catalog with a searchable database of selected objects from the Museum’s permanent collection.

The 9/11 Memorial Museum has launched Inside the Collection, an online catalog with a searchable database of selected objects from the permanent collection. Featuring artifacts beyond the Museum’s physical exhibition spaces and items on view, the online database currently contains 650 objects and is continually being expanded to include more of the Museum’s rich holdings.

Users are able to explore the collection in a variety of ways. Featured sets offer the opportunity to study objects which share a common theme or illuminate connections between objects contributed at different times by different donors. Some examples of these sets include the Hunt for Osama bin Laden or the February 26, 1993 bombing.

By searching keywords and object types, users can learn about tributes left on the Memorial, recovered property, memorial bracelets and large artifacts, among others. Visitors to the online collection can also browse through objects currently on view in the museum and explore through their own unique searches.

“We look forward to seeing how those who use Inside the Collection engage with the objects we have collected over the past decade and hope that they will make meaningful connections between them,” said Amy Weinstein, the Museum’s Director of Collections.

Designed to be a tool for researchers, scholars of all ages and visitors to the museum who want to learn more, users are invited to submit research questions, provide feedback about objects and create an account to save and share their searches.

Click here to explore the database.

By 9/11 Memorial Staff

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Remembering Bradley Fetchet at the 9/11 Memorial

A white rose has been placed at the name of Bradley Fetchet on the 9/11 Memorial for his birthday. An inset photo shows Fetchet smiling.

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The Lens: Capturing Life and Events at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum

A series of paintings titled “World Trade Center as a Cloud” by artist Christopher Saucedo hang on a white wall at the 9/11 Memorial Museum. The three paintings cloud-like images of World Trade Center buildings floating in a blue sky.

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