Behind the Lens: Students Explore the Museum
Behind the Lens: Students Explore the Museum

In this series, 9/11 Memorial & Museum staff photographer Jin Lee shares his view of select photographs taken on the site.
This photo from a session of the Museum Ambassador Program shows high school students practicing how to give a tour of the museum.
The student leading this tour was talking about the Spencer Finch watercolor installation in the background, “Trying to Remember the Color of the Sky on That September Morning.”
It pays tribute to every victim and represents the memory that so many people who were in New York that day still have: it was one of the clearest days. I was in lower Manhattan on the morning of the attacks and I clearly remember that blue sky.
The teenagers that take part in this program are too young to have personal memories of 9/11, but this student was explaining it so accurately and thoughtfully it felt as if she had seen the blue sky that morning herself.
It opened my eyes to how we teach this history to younger generations and how much they learn here. By delving into artifacts and exploring the museum space, the students gain a real appreciation for what the history means, keeping the memory of the day present and relevant.
By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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